Several improvements and corrections have been applied to the CasesTracker legal case management software, effective March 5, 2015. Continue reading
/* Plugin Name: Instant Social Image Plugin URI: Description: Creates social friendly images from text Version: 1.1.1 Author: Author URI: Stable tag: 1.1.1 */ // Define constants if(!defined('__DIR__')) { define( 'SPP_ISIM_DIR', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__) ); define( 'SPP_ISIM_PATH', dirname( __FILE__) ); } else { define( 'SPP_ISIM_DIR', WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/'.basename(__DIR__) ); define( 'SPP_ISIM_PATH', WP_PLUGIN_DIR.'/'.basename(__DIR__) ); } define( 'SPP_ISIM_WP_DIR', get_bloginfo('wpurl') ); define( 'SPP_ISIM_PLUGIN_NAME', 'Instant Social Image' ); define( 'SPP_ISIM_VERSION', '1.1.1' ); $spp_isim_opts = get_option( 'spp_isim_options' ); register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'spp_isim_activate' ); function spp_isim_activate() { $domain = parse_url( get_site_url() ); $siteName = $domain[host]; $spp_isim_options = array( 'defBGimg' => 'lightwood', 'custombg' => '', 'font' => 'Raleway-Bold', 'font_size' => '20', 'position' => '0', 'textColor' => '#000000', 'charbreak' => '25', 'branding' => $siteName, 'wmfont_size' => '10', 'wmtextAlign' => '0', 'wmtextColor' => '#000000' ); if( !get_option('spp_isim_options') ){ update_option('spp_isim_options', $spp_isim_options ); } } include('modules/settings.php'); include('modules/editor.php'); include('modules/scripts.php'); include('modules/class-requirements.php'); include('modules/class-imaging.php'); ?>
Several improvements and corrections have been applied to the CasesTracker legal case management software, effective March 5, 2015. Continue reading